Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Growing grandchildren

Here are some new pictures of Hannah, Justin, and Ava (with mommy!). Ava's growing like a weed!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Here are some pictures of our beautiful new granddaughter, Ava.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Dean, Tracy, Hannah, and Justin visited today. We gave them their Easter baskets. Justin got some boots and didn't know how to walk in them for a while. Too funny!! He loves the tractor and Hannah enjoyed icing some cookies for me.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Here I go!

Well, I haven't added anything to my blog for over a year now, but I've decided to get started again. Wish me luck! I'm going to try adding several pictures which were taken at Phil Walker Shoes in Lancaster when Justin was getting his first pair of shoes. Hope I'm successful!

Monday, August 13, 2007

#23 Thing - I made it!!!

Well, I'll have to admit that I really have enjoyed this experience. I would never have investigated many, if any, of these "things" had it not been presented to me in this way (and I don't mean the prize, either!). It's been nice to be able to explore these "things" here at work. I still have dial-up at home (I know, I know.... I need to get high speed internet!!) and it would have taken me forever to explore them all. I think I will continue to use my blog for my family (if they're interested!) and I kind of like the bloglines "thing" I have set up (although I need to place some other favorites on it. I will have to further familiarize myself with some of the other "things" I've learned about, but I need to let the cobwebs clear from my mind first. I'm going to Hilton Head next week. Maybe that will do it! If we have another Learning program like this, I'm sure I'll take part in it. I might even investigate the new 2.1 program on my own, depending on how heavy my work load is.

Many thanks to all of the "team" members who have worked so hard to present all of this and spent so much time helping those of us who have trouble getting new "things" to soak in. A big thanks to Jan for encouraging us and allowing us to use work time to further our horizons.

#22 Thing

I was slightly familiar with MySpace, since I hear so many people talking about it. My daughter and son-in-law, and my son and daughter-in-law have MySpace sights, so I had asked them just what they were all about. It was interesting to check out all of the sites that are in the Learning 2.0 lesson. I can see how having a sight could be addictive, which concerns me a little, but there are certainly worse things to be addicted to!! As long as it doesn't consume your thoughts and actions too much, I guess it's harmless. I can see good points and bad points to these social networking sites. They having the potential of bringing out the "best" and "worst" in people. The only way I can see that they would be very useful in the workplace is if you would share ideas with other library workers. I can't see me doing that any time soon, but who knows??

Thursday, August 9, 2007

#21 Thing-Podcasts

Okay, I know I sound like a broken record, but I really don't see a need to subscribe to any podcasts at this time in my life. Once again, it's wonderful technology, but I would rather be talking with someone, listening to nature, or a number of other things than having earphones on listening to "programs". Music maybe, but even though I love music and listen to it when I'm in the car by myself, I don't listen all that much. I think it's because I'm a very visual type person. I need to see what's going on. I wouldn't have made it back in the days when all we had were radios, would I? So, from this blog entry, I'm sure you must realize that I'm not taking part in this Library 2.0 program for the MP3 player. I'm not sure what I'll do with it when I get it. Maybe it will be like the cell phone. Once I got one, I wondered what I did without it. Time will tell. I listened to a Jim Cramer podcast, an NPR podcast, and several others. I think it will take much more time "investigating" before I can find a "favorite".